General Information

Time difference :
+ 3h for Los Angeles
+ 21h for New Zealand

GMT -10 is the local time zone :
When it’s 08:00 pm the 24th of June in L.A., it’s 05:00 pm the 24th of June in Tahiti.

« PK » and geographic adress :
Only a few companies have their own exact geographic adress with a street number. We use some sort of landmarks that we call « PK ».

In the larger islands, 3 parameters are used to indicate an address :
► « PK » (landmarks)
► Mountain or sea side
► East or West Coast

Example : Tahiti, PK 18.5, West Coast, Mountain side.

Phone :
To make local call, dial the number directly.
In order to call French Polynesia from other country, compose 00 689 before the wanted number (ex : 00 689 23 02 91)
In order to call other country from French Polynesia, compose 00 33 before the wanted number (ex : 00 33 1 53 20 47 20)

Currency :
The national currency is the Pacific Franc (CFP or XPF)
1 Euro (€) = 119,33 Francs CFP (XPF) and 1.000 CPF = 8,38 Euros.

Electricity :
The electric voltage in French Polynesia is 220 volts at 60 Hz (50 hz in France).
Check the compatibility of your electric devices before pluging them to the wall.